Previously, I had posted the trailer and some stills of the time travelling film Looper and ever since then I have been extremely excited for the film. I actually learned about this film quite some time ago, somewhere on the internet in an article of ‘Anticipated films of 2012’ or something like that, which had nothing but a few lines explaining the most basic gist of the film. But that small glimpse of the movie has stuck with me since then and with high expectations, I finally went to the cinema to watch Looper. And believe me, I was not disappointed. 

Its very unlikely that you don’t know about the film since it has been really blowing up on the internet in the past few weeks, but just in case you don’t, allow me to explain. Looper is a sci-fi thriller set in 2044. In 2074, time travel has been invented and immediately outlawed, but mob bosses who want to get rid of bodies (which is pretty much impossible in 2074 thanks to some sort of tracking technology) illegally send the person back to the past where a looper takes them out and disposes the body for them. The main character Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is one such looper. There’s another aspect of the film called Closing The Loop, in which a looper is sent the future body of himself, who the looper invariably takes out since he doesn’t know who the person is, thanks to a white sack covering his head. When Joe has to kill the future version of himself (Bruce Willis) and he fails to do so, the movie really gets into its flow. I won’t say more in fear of giving away any spoilers.

The first thing I would like to mention is the fact that they changed Josehp Gordon-Levitts facial features to make it look more like Bruce Willis’ in keeping up with the story. Its the little attention to these types of details that make a movie really good and I loved it. Now on to the movie itself. The movie was absolutely great, no doubt about that. A must see, thought provoking film. Its whole concept of time travel was greatly explained aided by the narration of the titular character. Great acting by the cast throughout and full of awesome action sequences that were really well chorographed.

When you make a movie about certain topics, you have to be really careful, movies dealing with either sensitive or tricky/complicated notions. Time travel is one of those topics. There are so many things that could go wrong with such a film. So many loopholes you have to look out for (pun intended) Basically, many different ways you could ruin the whole plot of the movie. Rian Johnson avoids all of them with Looper. Which is why this movie is just so great.

Another thing I loved about the film was the potrayal of the near future. Mind you, its just 30 years into the future (for most of the time anyway) so not much has changed (though it could’ve). There are some definite differences that make sure you can’t miss the fact that it is indeed, the future. But diners and barns still exist. Drugs do too but now you take them by dropping the liquid into your eyes. The overall world was very future-y but in a subtle way making it just the more realistic.

I had been dying for a movie like this ever since Inception and I managed to somewhat fulfil my desires  with Source Code and Moon (which hopefully I’ll talk about soon as they were both amazing) and then comes Looper which totally satisfies my requirement for an Inception-esque film.

Looper is a fascinating, thought provoking and well made film that you’ll want to watch again as soon as it ends.

Awesomeness Level:

About The Raftsman

I'm 16. I'm gonna be super rich soon. So better start sucking up. Edit: I'm about to turn 18, there's still time for you to start sucking up. Just saying.

One response to “LOOPER – A MOVIE REVIEW

  1. Julio Wisz

    i just love the movie looper, it is really a nice movie. great visual effects too.:

    My own webpage

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About TheRaftsman

The Raftsman is a Pakistani citizen who thinks too much of himself and likes to refer to himself in the third person. He decided to make a blog after he got an A in English. He enjoys reading and making comics, watching movies, fooling around on Photoshop and After Effects, playing games like a n00b on his Xbox 360 and cricket. He would like to be an actor or a film director as he likes to make films. His allocated name is Abdullah Shahid. This blog is basically what his mind churns out whenever it gets too bored. The WetPuddle will hope to contain his comics, stuff about movies and random blog posts explaining things he likes.